Thursday, March 5, 2009

Retribution won't heal mistakes.

Surrender ; Finnigan (Devil/Satan)/Gabriel (angel
City of Ashes ; Clary wishes

retribution definition

ret·ri·bu·tion (re′trə byo̵̅o̅′s̸hən)


punishment for evil done or reward for good done; requital


Okay while I was about to sleep during the nightime; which never happened. I didn't fall asleep. I am tired as it is. I was actually thinking about the theme thingy or whatever. I had slept like 8 hours or something when I got home.. So I couldn't sleep after having slept even though my eyes were closed.. for what.. Like hours? D< Oh well.. So I thought up either my favorite word : raizon detre ; "reason for living", or "retribution" or about trusting people.. Not sure or something about it..

Posted by JULIET @ 9:27 AM

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