Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dear Cassandra Clare,

I read on your website that you used your own vast imagination from a tatoo parlor with warriors and how they have so many struggles between trusting people. What made you also add romance into it though? I was wondering even though that you got those ideas of warriors in a city, why did you add romance into it anyways? I mean.. It's not really a good component to stories, is it? It causes tension in the story too though. Also, why did you make the characters so.. weird? xD I mean.. I thought it was also interesting that you made the characters have such interesting possiblities or added anime/manga into it. It also shows art of it on your website too! (awesome) I would love to write like you, I have always had ideas of a story too, but always give up because I am not really sure what kind of conversation should take place wiht my characters or how to describe their personalities in the best woay or too much descriptions that boggle my mind! D<

(Something else ; The independent book I am currently reading (the book you wrote of the mortal instruments series City of ie. Ashes, Bones) focuses on the struggles that people go through with the people around them and themselves where the real battle begins before they can actually let themselves out before others. Usually people conceal these types of things because they don't wish to admit or show their true selves. This is what I have deciphered from the books that I've read from yours and it also connects to the stories of movies. It makes me think about myself and how I am self - conscious of others around me. In the book Clary and Jace try to find themselves out more and should just let go of all of the ties of the world and just follow what they can do for what they achieve, in the end it would kill them if they didn't try. Would they die for their own loves or just for the heart of a corrupted goverment ruling over them? Brothers and sisters always hold bonds through blood and flesh. Maybe that should be my theme; blood is thicker than water or something like that?)

Posted by JULIET @ 9:13 AM

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Wow! I am totally intrigued. I already wanted to read these books...and now I want to read them even more. I cannot WAIT until they arrive from Amazon (I think I will not tell anyone else that I have them until I finish them...but then no one else gets to share the joy!). I think your question about adding romance into the story was a great one...why do authors make the choices they make? I am asking that as a rhetorical question (one that does not need to be answered...just thought about). Anyhoo...thanks, Julie, for your thoughtfulness and how you engage on such a deep level with what you read.

Posted by Blogger M. Crabtree @ March 6, 2009 at 9:56 AM #

Yay! ( feels honor) > > I want to read City of Glass.. I am rereading the book that I had already read because I had totally forgot, but remember it. I think that the story really reaches into my own heart and lures the temptation of tryng to understand the characters and their own world. > <

Posted by Blogger JULIET @ March 6, 2009 at 10:00 AM #
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